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The Coliban Main Channel transfers water from Malmsbury Reservoir to the Bendigo and Castlemaine water treatment plants. It supplies water to 14 towns and irrigation water to rural customers.

Built in the late 1870s, we are upgrading the open channel to reduce water loss and environmental impact.
The contractor for the project is Ron Wilkins Constructions.


Protecting the environment

The project includes protection measures for native vegetation, wildlife and waterways as well as controls for erosion, waste, weeds, noise and dust.

To avoid, minimise and offset any impact of our works on the environment:
1.    Sites are assessed by ecologists and an arborist.
2.    Vehicle access, material storage, machinery and vehicle parking is carefully managed.
3.    Our contractor follows an approved Environmental Management Plan and is regularly audited.



Stage 1 - complete

Works started in May 2014 and were completed in August 2018.

6 sections of the channel with a combined length of 2.7km were renewed. The total cost was $4.6 million.

Stage 2

Works began in May 2019 and was completed in September 2019..

We renewed 660 metres of channel at 6 separate sites in the Sutton Grange and North Harcourt area.

The total cost for Stage 2 was $1.4 million.


Heritage protection

The channel has a number of structures of significant heritage value such as granite abutments, chutes and tunnel openings.
We worked with Heritage Victoria to make sure the works wouldn't affect the original fabric or visual appearance of the structures on the Victorian Heritage Register. 

Last updated on 16 Nov 2022
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